Teeth Straightening

Straighten Teeth Fast with the New Inman Aligner in Tunbridge Wells

Did you once spend years undergoing painful orthodontic treatment and unsightly braces only to see your teeth slowly slip back to their former wonky ways?

Are you one of many who are generally unhappy with the alignment of your teeth and longing for a beautiful, straight smile?

The Inman Aligner is a clear plastic retainer with two spring loaded aligning bars that fit easily over the front four teeth. Unlike a regular brace, the Inman Aligner provides a constant gentle pressure on the teeth, easing them back into place far more quickly. 

Apart from its aesthetic benefits, the Inman Aligner is easy to use and can be inserted and removed at any time, allowing eating and brushing to continue as normal.

Once teeth have moved to the desired position, a very discreet retainer holds them in place, so they remain in their new position.

Inman Aligner Patient Cases

Tooth Straightening Case 1

Before Treatment
Before Treatment
After Treatment
After Treatment

Tooth Straightening Case 2

Before Treatment
Before Treatment
After Treatment
After Treatment
Before Treatment
Before Treatment
After Treatment
After Treatment

Tooth Straightening Case 3

Before Treatment
Before Treatment
After Treatment
After Treatment